Gifts for Bohol

what happened in 2016

Christmas at IDEA

Christmas is a time to be merry. It’s a time when families and friends host parties to celebrate the season. This year, the IDEA family also gathered to celebrate all the people who keep our organization flourishing. The IDEA family kicked off the holiday season with a Christmas Party on December 17 at the Dao […]

what happened in 2016

IDEA Christmas Shopping

Christmas is in the air! When December came around, our deaf students began writing their Christmas wish lists with great expectation. Just like most children, the fun of Christmas is gifts. They have good reason for their excitement because IDEA makes sure their students receive a Christmas present each year. IDEA makes a shopping trip

what happened in 2012, Whats Happening Archive Old

Micro House

The homes are built in our IDEA shop by our deaf carpenters. We are not able to go down to a Home Depot and buy the lumber. Instead we have to order the lumber rough cut by chainsaw and then bring it into our shop to mill it down to ship-lap siding and studs. It is a very labor and equipment intensive effort. The homes are then either built in knockdown form or totally assembled and delivered to the building site on a trailer or truck.

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