what happened in 2015

what happened in 2015

Changing Lives

The Philippines is a land of stark contrasts, there are those that live in homes the size of resorts with servants and all the comforts one could dream of while right outside their gate are families living in bamboo shacks without electricity, running water, or food for each meal.  At first sight it would be easy […]

what happened in 2015

The Call of God

The Dunningtons Inspiring Story Did you ever wonder when Jesus called the disciples to drop what they were doing and come follow Him what happened to all their stuff? Did they just leave their nets, boats, bait and every other thing they owned and walk away from it? It is a courageous few who are willing to heed the call of God and give up

what happened in 2015

IDEA’s Littlest Students

This summer our teachers once again searched the hills on the Island of Bohol and identified 106 new deaf children. We held four orientation camps of which 57 of those children attended. To date we have 50 new students with 32 of them only 5 years old. This is the first year we’ve had so many this young, much to our delight. The

what happened in 2015

Rescued From Poverty

When IDEA teachers and staff scout the island for deaf children, it’s not unusual for them to find kids living in very impoverished and remote areas. This year, Ethel Sacro’s situation was particularly heart wrenching. Many of our students live in some sort of dilapidated shack but Ethel’s family had only a damaged jeepney for shelter. They’d been living there for approximately 8 years. Her parents

what happened in 2015

The Fight Against Silence

The rain is thundering down on the metal roof with a never ending throng of noise, and the air conditioner whirs away in the background making it next to impossible for the loud clanging of the alarm clock to seep into my consciousness. Once again I am late for an appointment because I didn’t hear

what happened in 2015

Loon’s New Dorm

Excitement is in the air! IDEA’s students living in Loon have had quite a few challenges over the last few years. They have been through the trauma of an earthquake, attended school in a tent for a year because their classrooms were unstable, had their tent classroom blown down by a helicopter and lived with

what happened in 2015

Experiencing IDEA

Jarred into a new consciousness visitors arrive here in Tagbilaran, Bohol feeling like they just got off a plane that dropped from the sky, our very short runway makes for some very dramatic endings!  Full of shock and awe they work their way through the throng of overly helpful attendants trying to assist them with

what happened in 2015

For Such A Time As This

Everyone who comes through our clinic is impressed with what they see, including the level of training for all of the staff.  It was on one of these visits from a group from CBM (Christian Blind Mission) a long time supporter, that we were given a grant to provide even more help to people in need.

what happened in 2015

Sweet Rewards

One of sweetest rewards we can ever have here at IDEA is to know that we have trained our students well enough for them to be able to go out into mainstream business and secure employment!

what happened in 2015

Happy Smiles!

So many of our students would never have the opportunity to receive this quality of dental care. Through the generosity of these dentists and the sponsors who so graciously pay for them to be at IDEA’s schools, they are able to receive not just an education, but care for their physical needs as well.

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