what happened in 2012, Whats Happening Archive Old

Micro House

The homes are built in our IDEA shop by our deaf carpenters. We are not able to go down to a Home Depot and buy the lumber. Instead we have to order the lumber rough cut by chainsaw and then bring it into our shop to mill it down to ship-lap siding and studs. It is a very labor and equipment intensive effort. The homes are then either built in knockdown form or totally assembled and delivered to the building site on a trailer or truck.

what happened in 2011, Whats Happening Archive Old

“So The Whole World Will Hear”

     Starkey Hearing Foundation and IDEA Philippines Team Up  To Provide Hearing Aids to Bohol December six and seven were a whirlwind couple of days at IDEA’s Dao Diamond Hotel in Tagbilaran City, Bohol.   The six member Starkey Hearing Foundation audiology team from the States plus nine audiology student volunteers from the University of

what happened in 2011, Whats Happening Archive Old

New Dorm – Maasin

Faith Chapel Volunteers from Billings, Montana transform abandoned building into a home for deaf children. Maasin City, Southern Leyte, Philippines, August 21, 2011 Hundreds of deaf children live in isolation in the mountains of Southern Leyte with no chance for an education because of distance and economics.  There is only one practical solution to providing

Whats Happening Archive Old

New Low Cost Cooking Stoves

FIRST BATCH OF MAYON STOVES July 5, 2011 Perla Manapol (pictured at the left) is the president of an organization known as Sustainable Rural Enterprises based in Aklan, Philippines.  Her fervour to help the poor and at the same time helping the environment is contagious.  She initially infected Ambassador Benny Tan (pictured on the right)

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