IDEA DEAF Philippines, what happened in 2013

Meeting Needs In Leyte

As you can imagine, after the homes of our teachers and deaf student’s families were destroyed by Typhoon Hiayan, their Christmas Wish List is now very specific.  Because of the continued generosity of donors, IDEA is happy to be able to help meet the needs of these families so they can move back into homes […]

IDEA DEAF Philippines, what happened in 2013

Christmas at BDA

The kids up at our Bohol Deaf Academy had a great time yesterday during their Christmas party. The earthquake did not dampen their spirits and only managed to increase their need to celebrate the season. All their presentations pointed to giving thanks to God for sending his Son and remembering His goodness in sparing them

IDEA DEAF Philippines, what happened in 2013

Don’t Forget Christmas!!!

So here is just one of the ways IDEA has responded to the earthquake and typhoon on Bohol. Here are some shots of our IDEA Philippines staff Christmas Party. Not only did we have the families of our teachers, dorm parents, office workers, and construction workers, but also all of our EIGP (employment/income generating project)

what happened in 2013

“New” Roofs for Leyte School

Our first repair team just returned from the city of Ormoc in Leyte.  It was hit with the same wind intensity as Tocloban City minus the storm surge and is the location for one of IDEA’s deaf schools.  The team spent a week there putting roofs back on our dormitory and classrooms.  Below is a

what happened in 2013

Classroom Tent

The Department of Education engineers have declared the concrete classrooms formerly occupied by our deaf children to be unsafe to occupy in Loon.  There was little choice but to set up an IDEA provided classroom tent.  Luck for us, we had a large two pole, circus type tent that worked out perfectly.  The kids and

what happened in 2013

Emergency Houses Role Out

I saw the government damage  statisics yesterday for Bohol from the quake and it reported 78,000 damaged structures and 6,800 homes totally destroyed.  Many of the people who lost their home to the quake are living in tents so the time is NOW to get emergency housing to them.  That is EXACTLY what IDEA is

Housing Site needing cleared
what happened in 2013

Volunteers Needed!

Housing Site needing cleared   Housing panels are stacked up in the back and covered with tarps waiting for their final destination.  We are now in the process of assessing the sites where they will be set up.  Each site poses its own set of difficulties.  Some need a wall or two other need complete demolition

what happened in 2013

LIAD’s Response to the Grief-Stricken IDEA/Bohol

Leyte Island Association for the Deaf would not have been born and cared for without the support of IDEA. Through the partnership, IDEA is supporting about 149 deaf children through four elementary schools and one high school. It is because of IDEA that the deaf children in its funded programs have the chance for a

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