what happened in 2013

A Very Bright Future

At 9 years old, Bryan watched his dad climb trees and get honey from the bees.  He thought how brave his father was to face these vicious little creatures that hurt so much when they stung and yet he loved the taste of honey.  But the problem was, Bryan didn’t know the words for father, honey, […]

what happened in 2013

Coming for a visit

After fifteen hours of flight time, hours sitting on the tarmac, sleeping on benches in the Manila airport our latest set of visitors arrived at the Dao Diamond.  These adventurous women, Marianne Rongholt a long time IDEA Board Member,  Deb Canan a past IDEA Board Member, Dona Kabeary, and Scotti Hilbert made the long trek

what happened in 2012

Reymart’s Letter

This a letter Dennis Drake received from Reymart this Christmas.  He is the deaf boy who was told by two doctors that he would soon be blind but with the right kind of help and special contact lenses is now able to see well.

what happened in 2012

The Joy of Christmas

Marilou Drake and her team of Christmas elves spread a lot of joy to all the deaf children on Bohol. The last stop of the day for the IDEA Christmas bus was at the deaf dormitory in the town on Loon, Bohol where 38 deaf children live.  The deaf children at the other three deaf

what happened in 2012, What's Happening Now

Silent Warrior

As a deaf person, Ignacio Sato has always let his hands do the talking. But one night recently his hands made a bolder statement when he became the first deaf person on the island of Bohol and possibly the Philippines to join a mixed martial arts tournament, and win!  As soon as the fight started,

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