The Call of God

The Dunningtons Inspiring Story

Veronica and John Dunnington

Did you ever wonder when Jesus called the disciples to drop what they were doing and come follow Him what happened to all their stuff? Did they just leave their nets, boats, bait and every other thing they owned and walk away from it?

It is a courageous few who are willing to heed the call of God and give up everything to follow that call. John and Veronica Dunnington are a beautiful example of just that. Back in 1989 when John was on a two week mission trip to Bohol he knew this was the place God was calling him to be long term. So, by September of 1993, he, his wife and their two children (ages 3 and 4) began their new life here in Bohol. With $500 in their pockets and only $200 a month in support, they showed up here not knowing where they would live or what they would do. On their way to look at a home to rent they saw the sign for a Deaf Dormitory.

Veronica is deaf, so they knew in an instant that they were in the right place. John took a trip down to the Garden Cafe and met up with Dennis Drake, Founder of IDEA and that’s how it all began.

During the eight years that followed, the Dunningtons planted 5 churches here in Bohol, including IDEA’s Deaf church in the district of Tiptip.

By May of 2001, the Dunnington family returned to the U.S. to raise additional support and ended up staying in the Washington State area for the next 12 ½ years.

A year ago they came back to Bohol for a two week visit and once again God drew their hearts back. Now, with twelve years of accumulated stuff they sold it and/or gave it all away once again, to come live in a tiny room in the back of the church building!

We are so glad to have John and Veronica back here in Bohol ministering to the needs of our deaf families. They have already started a Men’s Ministry, Prayer Meetings,
Home Visitations and are taking the deaf out for outreach opportunities. They have also found some talented young ladies who are willing to head up their children’s church and a fresh wind of excitement is blowing through the church as their numbers increase daily.



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