Building a Life

DSCN1672The walls of the classroom echo with excitement as the children scurry around dreaming of what’s possible in their new space.  They’ve taken turns seeing how high up they can leave their footprints on the cement walls.

In the town of Sagbayan, Bohol there isn’t enough funding through the public schools to provide adequate classroom space for the                                      DSCN1706                                                    children hearing or deaf.  Some of the children are meeting outdoors and have to run inside when it rains. One building has been condemned with a collapsing roof.

IDEA is in the process of building four classrooms on this public school property.  These classrooms will house our Preschool through sixth grade deaf students.  When this happens that will open up other classrooms for the hearing children of the community.  Our hope had been to have these ready for occupancy by the end of January, however the necessary funds have not yet come in.



We need an additional $20,000 dollars to be able to complete this project.  Will you pray with us as we ask God to provide for His children?  Here in the Philippines the children have learned to be patient and how to make do with what they have, their resourcefulness is amazing.  We know however that in order to have the best possible chance at life they need a good environment for learning.

Each block and beam is a part of the Father’s plan to rise up His children. 



  A poem from the Tuloy Street Children says it best: 

 I am nothing but a brick, they say,

 made of mire and mud, and

hardened by the harshness

of the sweltering sun.

Yet I am not just a brick;

for  as I lay despairing

in the dust one day,

the Builder stopped

and stooped,

and raising me up, exclaimed;

“In my Father’s grand plan

there is a place for you.”


“But I am just a brick, “ I cried.

He smiled;

He did not seem to mind.

Then He carved and scraped and shaped me

In His firm yet gentle hands.

And when He was pleased

with the work He had done,

He set me with ease

   in that space,

in my place,

                         in the palace of His Father.

Yes, I am a brick,

molded of mud,

made strong by the sun,

scarred and bruised and broken,

yet blest

           and chosen.

                         and at home…

                                                            in my Father’s house at last.




Our children are much like these bricks, they have been abandoned, neglected and unwanted.  Yet God has a plan for them and we get to play a part in that plan. Won’t you join us and share in the joy of building not just a school but a life.  If 200 people would each send in $100 our buildings could be complete.

  Would you join us in building a life?